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What do you know about the tomb of Tutankhamun: The Little King

 Tutankhamun ruled Egypt for ten years until his death at the age of nineteen around the year 1324 BC, and it is known that he had rescinded his rule the controversial religious reforms of his father.


  • Akhenaten, but Tutankhamun's legacy was neglected a lot by his successors and King Tut remained almost unknown To the modern world until 1922 when British archaeologist Carter dug a corridor leading to the tomb of the boy pharaoh, which remained closed for more than 3,200 years.

  • The cemetery was filled with a huge amount of artifacts and treasures that are supposed to accompany the king to the afterlife journey, have helped these treasures scientists to learn a lot of information about life in ancient Egypt property and made from Tutankhamun months of the Pharaohs at the level of the world.

The royal lineage of Tutankhamun

  • Genetic tests proved that King Tutankhamun is the grandson of the great Pharaoh Amenhotep III, and he was probably his son Akhenaten's personal erotic historical controversy from the eighteenth dynasty of the New Kingdom of ancient Egypt, which ruled between (1550-1295 BC).

  • Akhenaten ended a religious system that spanned many centuries and a lawful place of the worship of one God is the sun god Aten, and the transfer of the capital of Egypt religious from Thebes to Amarna, after the death of Akhenaten succession Fronan judged for a short time before the arrival of son Akhenaten, aged nine years and was then called Tutankhamun  Aten.

  • Did you know that the financier of the archaeological Carter campaign, Lord Carnarvon died just four months after entering Tut's tomb of Tutankhamun first time, prompting journalists to promote the idea of «The Curse of the Pharaohs» claiming the existence of writings hieroglyphics on the walls of the cemetery vows both disturbs King Tutankhamun's death fast?

  • The death of more than 12 people has been attributed to this curse, but studies have shown that both who entered the cemetery enjoy an average asymptotic life of the average life of ordinary people who did not enter the cemetery.

  • Canceled Tutankhamun at the beginning of his reforms Akhenaten religion and revived the worship of the god Amun, made a religious capital city of Thebes in the country once again, and section the last of his name to reflect the royal loyalty to God the Creator of Amun, and worked with his advisers the strong "Horemheb» and «» -  which each Front to restore became later Egypt's status in the region.

How did Tutankhamun die?

  • There are many hypotheses about the cause of the death of King Tut, as he was tall and physically weak and suffered a disease that led to a bone injury in his left foot paralyzed monotheists «Inverse and Wadia».

  • It is the only known pharaoh who was photographed sitting while participating in physical activities such as throwing darts.

  • Traditional marriage customs in the ancient Egyptian royal families have contributed to the weakness of the boy pharaoh's health and premature death; DNA analysis results published in 2010 revealed that my father and Tutankhamun were brothers and that his wife ankhesenamun was his sister-sister.  They had only two daughters were born Mattin.

  • Some historians concluded -besbb discovered the hole in the skull of Tutankhamun from Alkhalaf- that the death of the young king were not natural causes, but recent tests suggest that this hole is the result of the embalming process.  CT X-ray conducted in 1995 images have shown that the king suffered inflammation in his left foot broken, showed DNA tests on the mummy are also infected with malaria hit several times.

It is possible that all of these health problems have contributed to his premature death.

The mummy of Tutankhamun and his tomb

  • The mummified body of Tutankhamun after his death according to ancient Egyptian religious tradition, which ruled the bodies of family members to save the property and put the other necessities of life next to the mummy of each of them.

  • Disarmament embalmers members of the Pharaoh vital and Vuh cloth soaked textured resin and put on his head and shoulders a mask of pure gold bears his image weighed about 11 kilograms and put his body into a group of lining funds, three golden coffins and coffin of granite and four wooden coffins painted with gold and sought the burial chamber in the cemetery, the largest barely.

  • Historians believe that the death of Tutankhamun was a surprise to the small size of his tomb, which shows that the burial ceremony was conducted hastily on the orders of his adviser «Ai» who succeeded him in power.

  • The corridors of the cemetery is full of micro-to-ceiling by more than 5,000 archaeological pieces included furniture and vehicles of war, and clothing, weapons and 130 crutches to help the king lame to walk.
  • It seems that the entrance to the tomb had been looted after the burial ceremony for a short period but the room's interior remained closed tight.
  • Pharaohs ignored who ruled after Tutankhamun's reign, nevertheless, they saw the return of the cult Amon- as smearing his religious unrest led by his father.  It spoiled the entrance to his tomb within a few generations debris and stones that have accumulated in the course of construction workers and small huts and a completely forgotten cemetery.
  • When he discovered the archaeologist Howard Carter Tut's tomb of Tutankhamun, he had spent three decades of his life before the exploration of Egyptian antiquities.
  • Archaeologists have thought at that time that all the royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings on the other bank of the river opposite the ancient city of Thebes has been emptied completely.
  • The news spread the new cemetery -ccant more graves discovered Amtla- quickly across the world have Carter took his team with a full contract in the classification of the contents of the tomb and emptied.

Where is Tutankhamun now?

  • It roamed the artifacts unearthed from Tut's tomb of Tutankhamun in the world offers many museums, including the «shows the treasures of Tutankhamun» held in many countries around the world between 1972 and 1979.
  • Watched 8 million visitors from 7 cities in the United States of America Tutankhamun's golden mask and fifty pieces of other value were taken from his tomb.  No longer allowed the transfer of sensitive artifacts -including the burial mask Alzhba- outside Egypt.
  • The mummy of Tutankhamun is still shown in his tomb in the Valley of the Kings in room number KV62 and replaced by layers of glass shroud fund resistant to climatic factors.
  • And displays the golden mask in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, but a group cut Tutankhamun archaeological transferred to the Grand Egyptian Museum, which opened in 2020.


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