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how to start a blog for free and make money: how to make a blog

Learn how to make a blogger blog

Learn with us in this article on How to make money from a blog. Do you want to make money from a blogger What is a blogger How to create a blogger blog and profit from it What are the conditions for making money from a blogger blog?

Earning from Blogger blogs is one of the ways to earn from the internet 2022. , We will learn through this article various other ways and we are still in the process of introducing more of them.

Ways to profit from the internet 2022

  • He made money from YouTube videos. Buy now a quick profit machine at a discounted price from .
  • He made money from Facebook videos.
  • Earn money from articles on the blogger.
  • Profit from microservices sites.
  • Fives.
  • Independent.
  • Freelancer.
  • Upwork.
  • Pfeiffer.

And other websites. That allows you to earn money for free and quickly. And in guaranteed, safe, and honest ways, and today we will learn another way to make money online.

What is a blogger service?

Start by defining this service, it is an electronic service available on the internet. Completely free, owned by the US company Google, it is a system for publishing electronic blogs over the web.

In other words, it's a service that allows you to create a free blog without paying a dollar. Or a penny, where you can write. What you want and publish what you want to publish through this completely free page.

But the blog link is hosted with confirmation on, that is, it accompanies the link to your blog. Which you want to create, but you can remove it by purchasing a paid domain through Godaddy. For web hosting and other services and other companies

Popular blogger blogs

Many well-known sites have created their sites through the blogging operating system. Or bloggers, similar to the well-known WordPress system, which allows the user to control the site and add photos. Videos, writing electronic content, and other things.

  1. The TechCrunch blog.
  2. The Venture Beat blog.
  3. Toots Plus Blog
  4. Timothy Sykes blog.
  5. Perez Hilton's blog.
  6. The blog is Mashable.
  7. And other blogs on the blogger.

Create a blogger blog and profit from it

  • How to create a blogger 2022 blog; this method is as follows.

  • Go to the link by clicking here in the browser. In the Windows 10 operating system via one of the available browsers such as.

  • Google Chrome.

  • Mozilla Firefox.

  • Oprah.

  • It is not recommended to use a browser for smartphones or use a mobile phone at all.

  • Click on the "Create Your Blog" option at the front of the page.

  • Log in to Gmail.

Once you have logged in or created a Gmail account, you can now get started. Fill in the details of your free website or free blog.

Write the name of the blog in front of the form Name box.

Add a blog link before the title option, which is the only one that others can. Through it visit your blog which you can post on social networks and platforms.

Choose the theme or template from the free templates available to you, and so your blog will appear on the internet, do you still want to make money from Blogger.

Finally, click Create blog.

Now you can log in to the blog and start managing it. By going to the previous link, write the e-mail and password.

Explain how to make money from bloggers for 2022.

How to write a blog post in blogger 2022

Log in to Blogger by entering your email address and password

On the right side, click Create a new post.

Add the article you want to publish.

Learning how to operate the tools on the board in front of you is easy.

Finally, click the Publish button when you're done.

How to make money from blogger 2022

How to make money from a blogger

Now that we have created a blog or website, we can move on to the important point. Namely, how to make money from a Blogger What are the approved and honest ways of earning.

Blogger is monetized through ads provided by Google. The same, known as Adsense Ads, is a profitable program that allows people to make money blogging or writing articles using the same blog, or other sites programmed from scratch.

Participation in this program is carried out by sending an application for an advertising subscription. AdSense to make money from ads that will be displayed on your blog or site, but before that, you must meet certain conditions to be able to make money on Blogger 2022.

Terms of profit from blogger 2022

There are some guidelines or conditions that must be met in the blog that you have created, namely.

You have a blog or website that talks about an idea in an area, Technology, Social, Medicine, Health, art, fashion, social experiences, and other ideas.

Adding electronic content to that blog is one of these areas. And many other areas mean that there is an idea for writing.

It is better to specialize in the field of your page or blog, for example, I specialize in the technical field. I write in the field of technical explanations, and problems experienced by users and write articles about this work.

He promises to persevere and continue to write articles. Among the conditions of earning. From Blogger, it is very necessary to stay in the lead and earn US dollars.

Never copy or paste articles from websites or blogs. Third-party affiliate, because this does more harm than good to you because it goes against Google's AdSense advertising policies and laws.

I write the content myself and I make sure to add electronic content. Unique and special, and as we said I always write, twice a week or 3 times, it is something that gives the impression of being a real and existing human being.

Typing and continuity allow you to get visitors.

This is important. It makes no sense to subscribe to AdSense ads or send a request without interactive visitors to your blog.

Therefore, you do not need to apply for an AdSense ads subscription until 6 months have passed.

In doing so, try to write down everything useful and unique in unique articles that are not copied at all.

Once this period has elapsed and all the conditions for earning have been met. From Blogger., You can go and ask to participate in AdSense ads to start earning dollars.

Posting on various social networks and sites for further publication.

SEO is a set of strategies on how to write articles. In a way that attracts and satisfies search engines. So your articles are ranked in the first search results.

View AdSense ads on blogger

Go to the link click here, then add the blog link in the box, agree to the terms and then submit it for review, Google will consider the request.

If Blogger eligibility is met, the response will be emailed, approved, or rejected.

That is why it is so important that the conditions are strictly enforced.

To get approval the first time, you can resubmit with another request if he refuses you.

Earn money from Blogger 2022.

Profit from bloggers without AdSense

It is worth noting that there are several ways in which you can earn money. From Blogger without the need for AdSense ads. Complicated and cumbersome for many people trying to get a subscription. Without any success, so the process of finding alternatives to Adsense ads is necessary and necessary. 

There are many alternatives to Adsense, including profit from affiliate marketing. Or sell products, where you can sell the company's product or goods. Get ads from others some companies can be advertised on your blog if they are popular.


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