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 Tourism is a major industry in Egypt, along with the oil and gas sectors. Egypt serves as a major gateway into Asia, attracting millions of visitors each year.

What is tourism for Egypt?

  • Egypt is perhaps the most visited country in the world.
  • Tourism in Egypt has grown steadily since the 1990s. In 2008, it was worth $12.8 billion to Egypt. This makes Egypt the world’s tenth most visited country after China, the United States, and India.
  • In this course, we will explore tourism in Egypt from both a historical and ecological perspective.
  • From the pyramids to museums like the Giza Pyramids, to the Pharos and the lighthouse at Alexandria, we will investigate the politics of tourism as well as the role tourists played in the building, changing, and preservation of Egypt’s ancient sites.
  • "Ancient Egypt" is a modern term for ancient Egyptian civilization, best known for the pyramids and other monumental edifices.
  •  The term Ancient Egypt refers to the land and its civilization that existed 4.5 million years ago, between 3400 and 3000 BC, in the Nile Valley.[1] The earliest known traces of human civilization in the area are the remains of the Nile Valley Civilisation, which dates to around 3650 BC, and is considered the first true civilization in Egypt. The term Egypt refers to the area of Upper Egypt (Egyptian: Maʿat


  • Egypt’s modern archaeology was born out of the fascination of Europeans with the ancient world. In the early 19th century, this craze for Egypt was centered in Europe, when Napoleon invaded Egypt and plundered its antiquities, including the famous Egyptian Museum in Cairo. The plundering of ancient Egypt by Napoleon and his army led to courtroom battles, scandal, and rioting.
  • The French army tried to steal the sarcophagus of a Ptolemaic ruler, but it was discovered and returned to Egypt in 1816.

  • In Egypt, mummies are everywhere, and their preservation is a major concern.
  • Efforts to preserve them include the use of desiccants (salt-based chemicals that counteract the effects of water and prevent the mummified remains from deteriorating) and chemicals (such as peroxide and lye) to remove the flesh from the carcass and conserve the skeleton.

  • The great pharaohs Thutmose III and Ramses II built their mortuary temples on their own pyramids, demonstrating the extent of their own control over the royal estates and their power to shape the destiny of their own country.

Ancient Egyptians (Pharaohs)

  • The ancient Egyptians were the first to build the Great Pyramids of Giza, the most famous of which is the Pyramid of Khufu.
  • They also built the enormous and beautiful mortuary temples of Luxor and Thebes. The ancient Egyptians also developed science, mathematics, and construction techniques that are still used today. The Egyptians were also the first to use papyrus to write.

  • The pyramids of Egypt are perhaps the most famous example of the power of ancient Egyptian kings. The three largest pyramids were built by the kings of the Old Kingdom. The largest pyramid, the Great Pyramid of Giza, was the tallest building in the world for more than three centuries. It is still the tallest pyramid in Egypt.

  • The most famous sites in Egypt are the ancient Egyptian pyramids. The most famous pyramids are the ones built by the three great kings of the Old Kingdom: the Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza, the Great Pyramid of Khafre at Giza, and the Great Pyramid of Ramses at Abu Rawash. These pyramids were not tombed monuments, but temples dedicated to the sun god Re. The largest and most famous pyramids in Egypt are the pyramids of Giza.

The most famous tourist places in Egypt

  • The most famous of Egypt’s ancient sites are the pyramids of Giza, which were the focus of the greatest ancient building enterprises and which have been the source of fascination for thousands of years. The Egypt of today is a modern country, but its ancient heritage is still an important part of its identity. The Giza Pyramids, the Great Sphinx, and the other sites of the Egypt of Ancient are one of the greatest archaeological finds of the modern era.

  • Egypt’s ancient heritage has been preserved with great care, and it is easy to see the impact of the discoveries of the past two centuries in the museums of Cairo and other major cities.


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