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Cardano founder tops poll of ideal Cryptocurrency CEOs ahead of Satoshi Nakamoto

The founder of Cardano, Charles Hoskinson, was elected the ideal crypto CEO, displacing Satoshi Nakamoto in the first place by a clear margin.

Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson was elected the ideal crypto CEO, displacing Satoshi Nakamoto in the first place by a clear margin.

The poll was conducted by Fair Crypto Foundation founder and former Google engineer Jack Levin. The poll asked the Twitter community which person they would want to be the head of a company if money were no object.

Who would you choose as the ideal CEO for your project - based on work ethic, planning, ideas, mindset, and execution? (there is no wrong answer).

Twitterverse picks Hoskinson as the ideal crypto CEO

More than twenty thousand three hundred people participated in the poll, which yielded interesting results.

Hoskinson received almost half of the votes, 43.1%, far ahead of the famous Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto, who received 23.5% of the votes.

There was a close race for third and fourth place, with HEX founder Richard Heart narrowly beating Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin, who received 16.9% of the vote, while Buterin came in at 16.5%.

Commenting on the real-time results when the poll was still open, Levin noted that Heart was in the lead at one point. He urged Twitterers to "be smart" and act or boost Heart's ego.

Oh Oh RH is winning, if you keep voting for him his ego will bounce back and he will not launch PulseChain - be smart.

Similarly, Levin asked why Buterin "does not get any love?" Referring to smart contracts and dApps, Levin added that he was "the one who gave us all the toys!"

Hoskinson considers buying CoinDesk

Hoskinson did not comment on winning the survey. However, he recently expressed interest in buying the crypto news portal CoinDesk.

Following the turmoil at the parent company Digital Currency Group (DCG), the sale of CoinDesk is on the table to bridge financial shortfalls. Hoskinson said he wanted to make a call after reviewing the company’s financial records.

In the past, Hoskinson has sharply attacked the crypto media for what he sees as unwarranted coverage of Cardano. For example, a recent CoinDesk article on predictions for 2023 referred to the Cardano blockchain as vaporware.

Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?

Satoshi Nakamoto is the pseudonym used by an unknown person or group who created Bitcoin and authored its original White Book in 2008. Their true identity has never been revealed.

7 people who could be (or not) Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto

Many speculated about the character of the inventor of bitcoin, and these are the seven most important names discussed:

  1. Nick Zabo: A computer scientist and crypto designer who is known for developing smart contracts and has been proposed as a potential builder of Bitcoin.
  2. Hal Finney: A computer programmer and early bitcoin user were one of the first people to receive a bitcoin transaction from Satoshi Nakamoto.
  3. Dorian Nakamoto: A California-based physicist incorrectly described as the creator of Bitcoin in a 2014 Newsweek article.
  4. Craig Wright: An Australian businessman who claimed to be the creator of Bitcoin, but did not provide sufficient evidence to prove it.
  5. Ross Ulbricht: Creator of the Silk Road, an online black marketplace, has been proposed as a potential builder of bitcoin because of similarities in their ideologies.
  6. Adam Buck: British computer scientist and crypto designer proposed as a potential builder of Bitcoin due to his previous work in digital cash systems.
  7. Elon Musk: This was suggested as a joke, but some people think Elon Musk could be Satoshi Nakamoto because of his background in computer science and his interest in encryption.

However, the character of bitcoin's main innovator has yet to be revealed, and Satoshi Nakamoto. So far he hasn't revealed his personality and nobody knows who he is.

Sources cited in the article






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